Rob Williams

Rob “Robby” Williams grew up on a farm in Keenesberg, Colorado, surrounded by mechanical devices and people who knew how to work on them. At age 12, his grandfather gave him a twin-engine go-kart; at age 14 he purchased a Harley Davidson Super 10 motorcycle, from...

Rod Guilford

Rod Guilford has enjoyed a long and successful career as a drag racer, competing in NHRA events in Colorado and many other states.  He has also been a successful car owner/engine builder and crew chief for numerous drag racing and circle track racing teams, winning at...

Ron Berry

Cars and racing were a big part of Ron Berry’s early life, as his dad sponsored a race car at an oval track in Montrose, Colorado.  Ron started driving at age 7, and built his first motor at age 13.  He began racing in the 1950’s, when he first drove a V-8/60 midget...

Tony Rossi

Tony Rossi’s introduction to auto racing, as was the case with many north Denver kids, involved going to Lakeside Speedway with his dad, who also took him races at Century 21 Speedway and USAC national shows in Colorado Springs. From the start, the midgets were Tony’s...

Walt Pickard

Walt Pickard’s motorsports career involved racing at southern Colorado oval tracks, where he compiled 112 main event wins over 17 years of competition.  Born in 1932, Walt grew up with a love of all sports, playing on teams in football, baseball, and wrestling that...

2017 The Denver Roadster Club

The Denver Roadster Club was formed in 1965, started by 5 guys building and fixing their roadsters, and then going for ice cream. The five original members were Vern Holmes, Frank Liston, Gary McClellan, Jack Richards, and Jack Stamper, and today two of the five are...

2016 Colorado Amateur Motorsports Associates

CAMA is the entity created in 2003 by a group of five amateur clubs including Motorcycle Roadracing Association (MRA), Porsche Club of America, Rocky Mtn. Region (PCA-RMR), Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing (RMVR), the Colorado Region of the Sports Car Club of America...

2015 Rocky Mountain Quarter Midget Association

Rocky Mountain Quarter Midget Association was established in 1957 to provide racing education and practice for boys and girls ages 5-16.  Children can practice at age 5 and start racing at the age of 6.  All children start in the novice program and graduate to...

2014 Englewood Racing Association

The board selected theEnglewood Racing Association as the recipient of the 2014 JC Agajanian Award, honoring outstanding contribution to motorsports by an organization. The Englewood Racing Association was formed in the early 1960’s to promote racing at Englewood...

2013 Motorcycle Roadracing Association

The board selected the Motorcycle Roadracing Association as the recipient of the 2013 JC Agajanian Award, honoring outstanding contribution to motorsports by an organization. Founded in 1973, the Rocky Mountain Roadracing Association (now known as the Motorcycle...